About The Adult Chair

The Adult Chair® is the most powerful, practical and transformative concept I have come across. It is a process that empowers you with tools to learn who you are at your deepest level, to discover the different parts of you and to help you learn to love, heal and accept your true self.

Through working with me and The Adult Chair, together we will discover a road map to your healthiest authentic self. You will gain greater awareness and a higher perspective of what’s happening for you, which will empower you fully to respond to life in a healthy way.

The Adult Chair Model

The Adult Chair® is a manual for your life. It’s a tool that helps you feel empowered, confident and equipped with a clear roadmap to your healthiest, most authentic self. Through The Adult Chair®, you will understand how your life experiences have shaped you, give a voice to the different parts of who you are, gain greater self-awareness and respond to life in a healthy way.

The Child Chair

Your inner child forms between ages zero and seven, and it is the foundation of your true feelings and needs. The inner child is deeply vulnerable, which makes it the source of deep, connected relationships. It is also where early wounding can occur, which shapes our view of the world as we grow up. When seated in the Child Chair, we find creativity, passion, spontaneity, trust and intimacy.

The Adolescent Chair

In adolescence, you begin to develop your own identity and realise that you are separate and unique from the world around you. As the ego forms, so does the desire to protect yourself, whether the daggers are real or imagined. When seated in the Adolescent Chair, we become perfectionist, judgemental and controlling, and we develop a mask to hide our authentic selves from a world that seems cold and rejecting. Most of us live from this place until we awake and decide we are ready to change.

The Adult Chair

The Adult Chair represents your highest self: living in the present moment, dealing with facts and truth over stories and assumptions and being able to set boundaries from a place of patience and compassion. While seated in the Adult Chair, we can deeply connect with our inner child’s needs and feelings and objectively observe our adolescent’s behaviors. It is here, and only here, that we can become aware of—and overcome—the emotional triggers and negative patterns that hold us back.

About Soul Path

Soul Path - Knowing you are on your soul path, no matter where you are in life gives you a certain feeling, a deep sense of trust and allows you to be completely honest with yourself. Your soul path allows you not to compromise, shrink away, or silence who you truly are. Walking on this path allows you to see the gifts of the present and be fully connected to yourself. This is a true blessing.

Soul work - Soul Work is the path of reuniting you with your true nature again. It’s like a shining light inward in order to begin to integrate more and more aspects of our being and accepting ourselves of who we are. When we are able to act and speak from our highest version, most healed version of ourselves, its where we live when we are authentic.

Soul Seeker - A soul seeker is someone who is soul searching. They are examining their life experiences and the impact it has had on who they became. This process makes space for you to figure out your purpose, motivatations and what you may need to change in your life in order to live in greater alignment with your true self.

Soul Practice - Soul Practice is the discovery and awakening of the self. This is the most valuable experience we can undergo to learn about individually. When we journey inwards we begin to get a sense of who we are, our values, beliefs and our natural talents and abilities. The inward journey helps you learn about your passions, inspirations and what you truly love and who you truly love to be.

Find Your Soul Path Today

The time is yours, The time is now.