About Rakes

Hi, I’m Rakes.

I’m grateful that you have found your way to find me.

I am here to help you discover your true self – the authentic you.

Being born in a dynamic, spiritual family was a true blessing. I lived within an extended large family where the members were sparked with multi skills, endless energy, creativity and passion. I learnt very quickly how to rise to challenges and use practical tools, leading to a vast capacity to deliver projects, events, shows, workshops and so much more.  

I witnessed and experienced so many things – extraordinary activeness, codependency and unhealthy boundaries.

On the outside, I looked great, but on the inside I struggled with people pleasing, self-denial and knowing myself. I was always overextending myself and overcompensating in my lifestyle and relationships. This led me to feel empty, exhausted and broken. 

It’s only when I hit rock bottom that I started to become aware of my wounding. I didn't want to live from that place anymore. With encouragement from a close friend, I made myself “my own project” and started investing whatever spare time I had in getting to know all the parts of myself that made me who I had become.

Through my discovery work, I found I was fragmented. There were parts that were conscious, unconscious, wounded, traumatised, needing love and attention – and some were just irritated and angry.

This felt like a lifetime of work and was overwhelming. How was I going to unhear, unsee and undo my wounds, traumas, triggers and uncertainties to feel complete, whole and fulfilled on the inside and out?

Slowly and patiently chipping away, little by little and trusting the unknown, I began my deep and meaningful journey of healing and becoming my true, authentic self.

My love and interest for self-development and self-realisation work always had a great pull on me, including reading, attending seminars of interest, listening to podcasts and learning more and more about how this knowledge and these tools could assist me in my life.  I was proactive and deeply encouraged to blend these powerful teachings within my daily life, which I began to do.

Ten years later, I naturally found myself coaching my colleagues at my workplace, helping them with the same tools and techniques that helped me. I saw how they were able to free themselves from situations and circumstances that had a power over them.  I was able to offer my knowledge and teachings to my nearest and dearest when they found themselves in relationships of frustration, deep upset, anger and trying to do their best. The results were celebratory.  

My knowledge, experience and the person I had become enlightened me and gave me insight to now move up a level and coach others professionally. I immediately signed up for the Adult Chair® Coaching Certification, finished my training with the greatest joy and enthusiasm and am now here to help you now on the journey of life. Wherever you are, I will meet you there.


  • Drama and performing arts 

  • Drama therapist 

  • Post graduate in drama and performing arts

  • Certified Adult Chair® Coach 

  • Over a decade of leadership and management experience

“Rakes is a kind, caring and effective coach. In just one session, I went from feeling anxious and worried to calm, peaceful and more in control of my life. Thank you, Rakes!!!”

Sara, USA

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“You either walk inside your story and own it, or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness”

-Brené Brown