I can guarantee with my help, that you will find your inner strength, feel free, and stand in your power.

I have been there and made it through. I am here to serve as a guide to help you find your way to your soul path. Together, we transform your life through using tools and techniques that help you heal and live a fulfilled and self-directed life.

Feel and Discover You 

You may have heard the phrase, “Life does not happen to you, it happens for you.” How do we find the gold or treasure in what life mirrors back to us through relationships, situations and opportunities? 

Sometimes the life outside of ourselves fails to match the images, emotions and feelings of what we feel on the inside.

Life can feel so wrong. “If only this happened…” “Why couldn’t this person have said this…” The endless should of, would of, could of.

When we find ourselves here, we struggle to let go, eternally feeling trapped, stuck and unable to move on.  

The experience can be very painful and exhausting with endless possibilities of how and why life and people show up the way they do.

This can be internally frustrating. You find yourself in anger, rage or at rock bottom carrying the burden of what life handed over to you and trying to make sense of it all.

I am so happy to be on this journey with you. I will be walking by your side, helping you navigate where you want to go.

Making sense of who you are and what you need can be overwhelming and scary.  Embracing change, moving forward and healing may feel exciting and inspiring, but doing this alone without tools and techniques can feel like you're stuck and can't move forward. This can be disempowering.

I am trained and fully available to help you and give you a road map for getting to know yourself, becoming self-aware and stepping into your power.

I have a strong background of grounded spirituality, self-development, arts therapy and self-discovery.  

My practical tools and integrated creative approach will help assist you to discover and transform your wounds, cut those disempowering beliefs and step into your power.

My journey of self-acceptance and letting go continues so that I can feel free. Join me so you can also feel free.

Hi, I’m Rakes,

The Adult Chair

The Adult Chair® is the most powerful, practical and transformative concept I have come across. It is a process that empowers you with tools to learn who you are at your deepest level, to discover the different parts of you and to help you learn to love, heal and accept your true self.

Through working with me and The Adult Chair, together we will discover a road map to your healthiest authentic self. You will gain greater awareness and a higher perspective of what’s happening for you, which will empower you fully to respond to life in a healthy way.

If you need some bespoke coaching sessions on the following,
I can help you get there:

Voice Coaching - Speaking w/ clarity

Confidence and self-esteem

Public Speaking


Time Management

Leadership and Management

“After a short period of working with Rakes, I began to realise that I was unconsciously living out ineffective habits developed by defences in my early life. They had protected me, but I was unable to grow, to thrive and really be who I am. I can’t recommend her enough. She is understanding, empathic, and her creative coaching skills helped me see what was holding me back. I feel much more in touch with myself and empowered in making decisions important to my life.”

- George, London, UK

Why Not Book A
Complimentary Session
with Me?

Let’s have a chat to see how you feel.